Documenta ophthalmologica., Proceedings series ;, 2.
Introductory remarks --; Visual electrophysiology of myotonia congenita --; ERG and EOG in diabetics pre and post photocoagulation --; Electrophysiological studies in patients with arterio-venous communications of the retina --; Electrophysiological aspects in retinal venous thrombosis --; Tolerance of mammalian retina to circulatory arrest --; The ERG and its correlation with damage caused by chronic exposure to light --; The supernormal EOG: evidence of light-induced retinal damage? --; Electroretinogram and ophthalmoscopic findings in intra-vitreous iron, copper and lead particles --; The appearance of rhythmic wavelets on the ERG of alpha-chymotrypsin poisoned mammalian retinas --; Electrophysiological and histopathological studies on the rabbit retina treated with sodium iodate and sodium l-glutamate --; Effect of alcohol-dehydrogenase activators on mouse ERG --; Is the EOG influenced by nicotine? Relations to the EEG --; Localization studies of the human visual evoked response --; Computer processing of the visually evoked response --; Psychophysics and electro-physiology of a rod-achromat --; General cone dysfunction without achromatopsia --; Boolean notation for ocular electrophysiology (ERG and VER) and dioptric factors --; On the spectral sensitivity of oscillatory potentials --; Human scotopic fast retinal potentials (FRP'S) --; Luminance responses to pattern reversal --; Electrophysiological equipment for total and local retinal stimulation --; Slow potentials of ERG in hemeralopia congenita --; Electrophysiological examinations in a family Ah with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa --; Sectoral retinopathia pigmentosa. Involvement of the retina and pigment epithelium as reflected in bioelectric response --; Electroperimetry --; Electroretinotopography (ERTG) --; The perfused mammalian eye as a preparation for electrophysiological studies --; Scotopic spectral sensitivity and the absorbance of visual pigments in isolated visual cells and in the intact retina --; Analysis of the visual response of the fly sarcophaga bullata during pupal development.
Two groups of volunteers having no eye disease were examined electro-oculo graphically twice at ten minute intervals. One group smoked in the break, one didn't. In the non-smoking group there are a number of significant correlations between the tested parameters in the dark-period and in the light-period, which could not be found to the same degree in the smoking group. The fact that there were differences between the two groups-even though not interpretable systematicaIly-suggests, that smoking influences physiological processes in the EOG. In the second period of the test, a parallelism in the course of EOG and EEG was observed, the EEG-changes, however, are interpreted more psychologically than pharmacologicaIly. REFERENCES HAASE, E. & MUELLER, W. Meßbare Beeinflussung des EOG durch Zigarettenrauchen1 Klin. Mbl. Augenhk. Bd. 158:677 (1971). HAGER, H. Thrombangiitis obliterans und Auge. Klin. Mbl. Augenhk. Bd. 114:238 (1949). HAUSER, H., SCHWARZE, B.E., ROTH, G. & BICKFORD, R.G. Electroencephalographic changes related to smoking. EEG clin. Neurophysiol. Vol. 10:576P (1958). HEIMBÖCK. Wien. klin. Wschr. Bd. 73:529 (1961). HOLLWICH, F., JÜNEMANN, G. & DAMASKE, E. Auge. In: Nikotin. Edited by Schievelbein. H. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart (1968). HOMER, L.D. & KOLDER, H. Mathematical model of oscillations in human corneo-retinal potential. Pflügers Arch. ges. Physiol. 287 :197 (1966). KOLDER H. Spontane und experimentelle Änderungen des Bestandpotentials des menschlichen Auges. P{lügerrs Arch. ges. Physiol. 268:258 (1959). KOLDER, H.E. & HOCHGESAND, P. Empirical Model of Electro-Oculogram. Doc. Ophtha!. (1972) in press.