Springer International series on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 1.
Part I: Introduction --; 1. The Wicked Problem of Design --; 2. The CSCW Design Challenge --; Part II: Evolution to the Locales Framework --; 3. The worlds System --; 4. Systems Engineers at Work --; 5. How Systems Engineers Accomplish Work --; 6. Moving From Space to Place --; Part III: The Locales Framework --; 7. Introduction to the Locales Framework --; 8. Locales Framework Aspects --; 9. Locales Framework Approach --; 10. Distributed Research Work: A Tale of Two Groups --; 11. Designing for Telehealth --; 12. CSCW Environment Design: Orbit and Tickertape --; 13. Conclusions, Reflections and Future Work.
This book presents the Locales Framework - and its five aspects of locale foundations, civic structures, individual views, interaction trajectory and mutuality - as a way of dealing with the intertwined problem-solution space of wicked problems. A locale is based on a metaphor of place as the lived relationship between people and the spaces and resources they use in their interactions. The Locales Framework provides a coherent mediating framework for ethnographers, designers, and software engineers to facilitate both understanding requirements of complex social situations and designing solutions to support these situations in all their complexity.