Differential and Integral Equations through Practical Problems and Exercises
by Gheorghe Micula, Paraschiva Pavel.
Springer Netherlands
(ix, 397 pages)
Kluwer Texts in the Mathematical Sciences, A Graduate-Level Book Series, 7.
I. Problems --; 1. Differential Equations Solvable by Quadrature --; 2. Existence and Uniqueness Theorems --; 3. Linear Differential Equations --; 4. The Method of Laplace Transforms --; 5. Integral Equations --; 6. Numerical and Approximate Methods of Solving Differential and Integral Equation --; 7. First Order Partial Differential Equations --; 8. Miscellaneous Problems --; II. Solutions --; 1. Differential Equations Solvable by. Quadrature --; 2. Existence and Uniqueness Theorems --; 3. Linear Differential Equations --; 4. The Method of Laplace Transforms --; 5. Integral Equations --; 6. Numerical and Approximate Methods of Solving Differential and Integral Equation --; 7. First Order Partial Differential Equations.
This volume presents a valuable and comprehensive collection of problems and exercises, together with guidelines and worked solutions, of a wide range of the most important commonly occurring differential and integral equations. The book is divided into two parts. Part I, which comprises eight chapters, contains the problems and exercises, and Part II, having eight corresponding chapters, presents the worked solutions. The various chapters deal, respectively, with: (1) the classical type of differential equations of first and higher order; (2) problems relating to existence and uniqueness theorems; (3) linear differential equations; (4) the method of the Laplace transform; (5) integral and integro-differential equations; (6) numerical and approximation methods; and (7) first-order partial differential equations. The final chapter (8) presents a miscellaneous selection of problems and exercises dealing with the deepest areas of differential, integral and partial differential equations. Many of the problems discussed are original, and all have been tried and tested in a teaching environment. This volume provides an invaluable guide to the solving of differential and integral equations and can be recommended to all researchers, students and teachers, whose work involves this fundamental aspect of mathematics.