Repr. - Originally published: 2000."Book developed from some lectures presented at a symposium at the XX International Congress of Entomology held in Florence, Italy, August 1996"--Preface.
Contributors. Preface. 1. Interchanges of Insects between Agricultural and Surrounding Landscapes; B. Ekbom. 2. Relating Insect Movements to Farming Systems in Dynamic Landscapes; F. Burel, et al. 3. The Use of Invertebrates in Evaluating Rural Sustainability; M.G. Paoletti, C.M. Cantarino. 4. Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Plant-Insect Communities; A. Kruess, T. Tscharntke. 5. The Impact of Uncultivated Corridors on Arthropod Populations Within Simulated Agrolandscapes; G.W. Barrett. 6. Interchanges of a Common Pest Guild Between Orchards and the Surrounding Ecosystems: A Multivariate Analysis of Landscape Influence; P. Jeanneret. 7. Landscape Connectivity: Linking Fine-Scale Movements and Large-Scale Patterns of Distributions of Damselflies; P.D. Taylor. 8. Effect of Habitat Heterogenity on Diversity and Density of Pollinating Insects; J. Banaszak. 9. Diversity and Movement Patterns of Leaf Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) in a Heterogeneous Tropical Landscape: Implications for Redressing the Integrated Pest Management Paradigm; M.E. Irwin, et al. 10. Landscape Management and Resident Generalist Predators in Annual Crop Systems; R. Bommarco, B. Ekbom. 11. Parasitoid Community Structure: Implications for Biological Control in Agricultural Landscapes; P.C. Marino, D. Landis. 12. The Impact of Field Boundary Habitats on the Diversity and Abundance of Natural Enemies in Cereals; P. Dennis, et al. 13. Natural Vegetation in Agroecosystems: Pattern and Scale of Heterogeneity; J.E. Banks. Index.