Why I am an economist --; Introduction --; On measuring the redistribution of lifetime income --; Family income distribution: explanation and policy evaluation --; Education versus cash redistribution: the lifetime context --; The causes of poverty --; The effect of collective bargaining on relative and absolute wages --; Human capital and earnings: British evidence and a critique --; The screening hypothesis and the returns to education --; Capital-skill complementarity, income distribution and output accounting --; Married women's participation and hours --; Why are more women working in Britain? --; On the use of distributional weights in social cost-benefit analysis --; Human satisfactions and public policy --; Economic theories of educational planning --; University efficiency and university finance --; The cost-effectiveness of the new media in higher education --; The pool of ability --; The Thatcher miracle? --; Lifelong learning --; Introduction --; How to privatise --; Post-stabilisation inflation in Poland --; Who gains and who loses from Russian credit expansion? --; Can Russia control inflation? --; How much unemployment is needed for restructuring? The Russian experience --; Why so much pain?.
Richard Layard is one of Britain's foremost applied economists. His work has had a profound impact on the policy debate in Britain and abroad. This book contains his most influential articles on education, equality and income distribution and on the lessons of economic transition in Eastern Europe. It is published along with a companion volume. Educational Inequality argues that lifetime inequality is the basic inequality we should worry about. In this context education is a powerful instrument of redistribution, as well as a national investment. Cash redistribution has efficiency costs which can be calculated, but it may also serve to discourage inefficient over-work arising from each person's efforts to earn more than his neighbor. A final series of essays is based on Layard's recent work on reform strategies in Russia and Poland. The book opens with Richard Layard's personal credo 'Why I became an economist'. -- Publisher's information.
Labor supply -- Effect of education on -- Great Britain.