Literaturverz. S. 165 - 168IMD-Felder maschinell generiert
Preliminary; Health Insurance; Conclusion; Back matter; Insurance Industry in India; Life Insurance.
Novi Dewan establishes a status quo of the Indian health and life insurance industry and discusses the best practices for various elements of the marketing mix. She complements secondary research with recent empirical data accentuating the emerging opportunities and challenges in the Indian Insurance Industry by using standardized interviews with opinion leaders and CEOs of several insurers. Novi Dewan absolvierte an der WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, den ersten MBA Studiengang, den sie als Jahrgangsbeste abschloss. Sie promoviert bei Prof. Jürgen Weigand am Lehrstuhl für Mikroökonomik und Industrieökonomik der WHU Vallendar.Novi Dewan establishes a status quo of the Indian health and life insurance industry and discusses the best practices for various elements of the marketing mix. She complements secondary research with recent empirical data accentuating the emerging opportunities and challenges in the Indian Insurance Industry by using standardized interviews with opinion leaders and CEOs of several insurers.