China as a booming market. China's economic development / Bert Bielefeld, Lars-Phillip Rusch ; Changing Chinese architectural and building traditions / Andreas Szesny ; "Don't kill the dragon" : urban development in China / Matthias Wehrlin --; The framework for building in China. Project control in China / Hans-Peter Holler ; Building law in China / Christian Gloyer --; Planning in China. Breaking into the market and procurement / Werner Sübai ; Branches in China / Nikolaus Goetze ; Commercial viability of Chinese commissions / Quinn Lu, Michael Pruss ; Working in Chinese planning practices : experiences / Gordon Brandenfels ; "Dos --; don'ts" / Bert Bielefeld, Lars-Phillip Rusch --; Progress reports. Planning commissions in China / Bert Bielefeld, Lars-Phillip Rusch ; Von Gerkran, Mark and Partner / Nikolaus Goetze ; Philip Johnson Alan Ritchie Architects --; PJAR / Stephan Jentsch ; Romses Architects / Scott Romses ; Bruno Braun Architekten / Bruno Braun ; HaiPo Architects --; HPA / Kerstin Hartmann.
Building Projects in China" is the first publication on the book market to give a comprehensive overview of the planning activities of foreign architects in China. This practical handbook outlines legal framework conditions, introduces the Chinese building market, and gives practical descriptions of the execution of projects on site.
Bauen in China.
Building -- China -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING -- Construction -- General.