Special issue from: Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae - Swiss journal of geosciences, vol. 96 (2003), supplement 1.Cover title.Selected contributions from a conference held from 17-20 October 2001 in Yverdon, as part of the annual meeting of the Swiss Academy of Natural Science.
- Inhalt - Sommaire.- Lake Systems from Ice Age to Industrial Time, Preface of the guest-editors.- Bedrock, Quaternary sediments and recent fault activity in central Lake Neuchatel, as derived from high-resolution reflection seismics.- High-resolution seismicstratigraphy of an Holocene lacustrine delta in western Lake Gene-va (Switzerland).- Sedi-mentation recente sur le delta du Rhone (Lac Leman) a partir de profils de sismique reflexion a haute resolution.- Imaging Molasse and Quater-nary Sediments in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, with 3-D High-Res-olution Seismic Reflection Methods: A Case Study.- Bottom-current and wind-pattern changes as indicated by Late Glacial and Holocene sediments from western Lake Geneva (Switzerland).- A 600-year sedimentary record of flood events from two sub-alpine lakes (Schwendiseen, Northeastern Switzerland).- 60 years of glaciolacustrine sedimentation in Steinsee (Sustenpass, Switzerland) compared with historic events and instrumental meteorological data.- Map-ping Sediment Accumulation Rate by using Volume magnetic Sus-ceptibility Core Correlation in a contaminated Bay (Lake Geneva, Switzerland).- Ecoulement de l'eau dans le fond du Leman apres circula-tion dans le cone sedimentaire profond de la Dranse.- Sediment distribution on a current-dominated lake delta (Versoix delta, Lake Geneva, Switzerland).- Evolution des assemblages de Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) pendant le Tardiglaciaire dans le Lac du Lautrey (Jura, France): essai de reconstruction paleoenvironnementale.- Recent changes in sedimentaryorganic matter from Lake Neuchatel (Switzerland) as traced by Rock-Eval pyrolysis.- Les conditions d'etablissement et de conservation des sites prehistoriques littoraux de la rive sud du lac de Neuchatel et du lac de Morat: prospection systematique et reconstitution des rives anciennes.- Sediment contami-nation in a river reservoir (Wettingen Reservoir, Switzerland): Pre-sent situation and history.