Advances in stereotactic and functional neurosurgery 8 :
proceedings of the.
[Place of publication not identified]
Springer Verlag Gmbh
Epilepsy.- Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy: Opportunities for Research Into Basic Mechanisms of Human Brain Function.- Stereotactic Investigations in Frontal Lobe Epilepsies.- Propagation of Focal Epilepsies and the Timing and Targeting of Surgical Interventions. Illustrative Case Reports.- Epilepsy Course in Cerebral Ganglio-gliomas: a Study of 16 Cases.- Experience with Orbital Electrodes in the Patients Operated on for Epilepsy-Results of Temporofrontal Resections.- Design of an Intracranial Electrode for Monitoring.- Spasticity and Movement Disorders.- Some Basic Features of the Pathological and Normal Motor System Studied by Chronic Deep Electrodes.- Behavioural Responses to Cerebellar Stimulation in Cerebral Palsy.- Use of Intrathecal Baclofen Administered by Programmable Infusion Pumps in Resistent Spasticity.- Critical Approach to Intra-striatal Medullary Adrenal Implants via Open Surgery in Parkinsonism. Case Report.- Transplantation in Parkinson's Disease: Stereotactic Implantation of Adrenal Medulla and Foetal Mesencephalon.- Pain.- Clinical Use of Nociceptive Flexion Reflex Recording in the Evaluation of Functional Neurosurgical Procedures.- Intra-operative Spinal Cord Evoked Potentials During Cervical and Lumbo-sacral Microsurgical DREZ-tomy (MDT) for Chronic Pain and Spasticity (Preliminary Data).- Craniofacial Postherpetic Neuralgia Managed by Stereotactic Spinal Trigeminal Nucleo-tomy.- Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) in the Treatment of Postherpetic Pain.- CT-guided Percutaneous Cordotomy.- Myelotomies for Chronic Pain.- Tumours.- Differential Diagnosis Between Tumoural and Non-Tumoural Intracranial Lesions in Children: a Stereotactic Approach.- Natural History of Neuroepithelial Tumours: Contribution of Stereotactic Biopsy.- Stereotaxy of Third Ventricular Masses.- Brain Stem Expanding Lesions: Stereotactic Diagnosis and Therapeutical Approach.- Tumour Recurrence vs Radionecrosis: an Indication for Multitrajectory Serial Stereotactic Biopsies.- Comments on Brachycurie Therapy of Cerebral Tumours.- Vascular Diseases.- Is Vasodilatation Following Dorsal Column Stimulation Mediated by Antidromic Activation of Small Diameter Afferents?.- Cerebral and Carotid Haemodynamic Changes Following Cervical Spinal Cord Stimulation. An Experimental Study.- Technical Progress.- CT-Guided "Real Time" Stereotaxy.- Transposition of Image-defined Trajectories into Arc-quadrant Centered Stereotactic Systems.- The Stereotactic Operating Microscope: Accuracy Refinement and Clinical Experience.