Proceedings of the VI. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kernphysik 1967 der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria), 26th February-9th March 1967
edited by Paul Urban.
Springer Vienna
(VI, 359 Seiten)
Acta Physica Austriaca, 4/1967
The past meetings held under the auspices of the Austrian Ministry of Education and the successes and benefits derived from these lectures in former years have encouraged us to continue this year with a survey of high energy physics. The experimental side of this field has undergone such a great advancement that the evaluation of huge masses of data called for the theoretical physicist to develop new theories and to explain facts and connections which we have not been able to clarify up to the present. In spite of the precarious situation especially in the field of Elementary Particle Theories, the theoretical physicist is about to summarize the present situation and to give further impulses for thc progress of our knowledge in nuclear physics. Thus the results of the Sixth International Meeting in Schladming and the interest shown in it fully justify our endeavours in this direction. In organizing the publication of the proceedings we shall continue on the same lines as hitherto so as to reduce delays through editing to an absolute minimum and to offer the publication at a reasonable price. I am again grateful for the assistance of the Springer-Verlag whose photo mechanical method proved so süccessful. Nevertheless we wish to apologize for any mistakes that might have occurred in writing the text of formulae.
Meson Decays.- Dispersion Sum Rules in Elementary Particle Physics.- Divergence Equations and Current Algebra.- Algebraic Formulation of Dynamical Problems.- High Energy Scattering of Hadrons.- S-Matrix Singularity Structure.- An Attempt to Calculate Radiative Corrections to a Pure Fermi Decay.- Quantum Field Theory and Generalized Functions.- Quantum Field Theory in De Sitter Space.- Mach's Principle and Elementary Particles.- Coulomb Fission by Very Heavy Ions.- Leptonic Decays of the Kaon According to Current Algebra and PCAC.- Vector Mesons and the Electromagnetic Interactions of Hadrons.- Summary - First Week.- Summary - Second Week.
Sponsored by the Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Bundesministerium für Handel, Gewerbe und Industrie, the International Atomic Energy Agency, Steiermärkische Landesregierung and Kammer der gewerblichen Wirtschaft für Steiermark