What is creativity? / Robert Fisher --; Creative literacy: learning in the early years / Mary Williams --; Creative writing: taking risks with words / Andrew Green --; Creative drama: thinking from within / Colleen Johnson --; Creative mathematics: allowing caged birds to fly / Debbie Robinson and Valsa Koshy --; Creativity in science: leaping the void / Juliet Edmonds --; Unlocking creativity with ICT / Avril Loveless and Rupert Wegerif --; Creative design and technology / David Barlex --; Creativity through geography / Fran Martin --; Creativity in music and art / Sara Liptai --; Creativity through religious education / Lynne Broadbent --; Creativity across the curriculum / Robert Fisher --; Reviewing creativity.
Combining the latest research with practical ideas and tasks, this multi-dimensional book is a must for teachers, students and educators who wish to know more about creativity in teaching and learning.--Jacket.
Creative ability in children.
Creative thinking -- Study and teaching -- Great Britain.