Introduction; Part 1: From Score to Performance; Part 2: The Art of Imagination; Part 3: A Pixel Does Not Know Its Origin; Glossary; Index.
The Photoshop Darkroom offers limitless possibilities for photographers looking for jaw-dropping results, using powerful and innovative creative post-processing techniques. If you want folks to ask "How did you do that?" then this is the book for you! The images in The Photoshop Darkroom will inspire you and help you unleash your creative potential. You'll learn to view your own digital photography with new eyes. Step-by-step directions show you real-world examples of how to achieve the results you want from your photography and post-processing. *Learn how to work with RAW image files *Understand the Photoshop darkroom workflow *Multi-process RAW files *Extend the dynamic range of your photographs *Create High Dynamic Range (HDR) images by hand *Create stunning black and white imagery with Photoshop *Use layers and masking for compositing *Create striking color effects using LAB color