Pathogenic Mycobacteria in Water A Guide to Public Health Consequences, Monitoring and Management.
S Pedley
[Place of publication not identified]
Iwa Publishing
(262 pages)
Cover ; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; Executive Summary; List of acronyms and abbreviations; 1. Introduction; 1.1 Environmental Mycobacteria; 1.2 Nomenclature and typing; 1.3 Understanding the disease; 1.3.1 The epidemiology of environmental mycobacteria; 1.3.2 Risk factors; 1.4 Pathogenic mycobacteria in water; 1.4.1 Water supply; 1.4.2 Recently reported cases of waterborne mycobacterial disease; 1.5 Global Burden of Disease; 1.5.1 Crohn disease and Johne disease; 1.6 Control measures; 1.7 Genomic and evolutionary perspectives; 1.8 Key research issues. 2. Natural ecology and survival in water of mycobacteria of potential public health significance2.1 The ecology of environmental mycobacteria; 2.1.1 Protozoa, helminths and insects; 2.1.2 Infections in birds and animals; 2.1.3 Infections in fish; 2.2 Physiologic characteristics of M. avium relevant to its ecology and distribution; 2.2.1 Physiologic characteristics of M. avium that are determinants of its ecology; 2.2.2 M. avium physiologic ecology; 2.3 Heterogeneity of Environmental Isolates of M. avium; 2.3.1 Impact of heterogeneity on identifying sources of human infection. 2.3.2 M. avium fingerprinting methods2.4 Changes in the Occurrence in Mycobacterial Species; 2.4.1 Shift of M. scrofulaceum to M. avium in cervical lymphadenitis in children; 2.4.2 Selection of mycobacteria by disinfectants; 2.5 Key research issues; 3. Environmental sources of Mycobacterium avium linked to routes of exposure; 3.1 Environmental sample types yielding M. avium; 3.1.1 M. avium in water; 3.1.2 M. avium in soils; 3.1.3 M. avium in aerosols, ejected droplets and dust; 3.1.4 M. avium in phagocytic protozoa and amoebae; 3.1.5 Other sources of M. avium. 3.2 Impact of unidentified mycobacterial isolates3.3 Environments with high numbers of M. avium; 3.4 Routes of exposure; 3.4.1 Ingestion; 3.4.2 Inhalation; 3.4.3 Trauma; 3.4.4 Biofilms; 3.5 Overlap of human and M. avium environments; 3.6 Key research issues; 4. Biology of waterborne pathogenic mycobacteria; 4.1 Introduction; 4.1.1 Taxonomy and terminology; 4.1.2 Evolution and diversity of MAC; 4.2 Mycobacterial genomes; 4.2.1 The MAA genome; 4.2.2 The MAP genome; 4.2.3 Genomes of other environmental mycobacteria; 4.3 Bacterial physiology. 4.3.1 The cell envelope and its role in virulence and antimicrobial resistance4.3.2 Morphotypic switches; 4.3.3 Metabolism and catabolism; 4.4 Biology of MAC in host environments; 4.4.1 Entry and survival in host cells; 4.4.2 MAA genes involved in intracellular life; 4.4.3 MAP genes involved in intracellular life; 4.5 Key research issues; 4.5.1 Diversity; 4.5.2 Molecular markers of virulence; 4.5.3 Taxonomy; 4.5.4 Evolutionary context; 4.5.5 Genomic analysis; Acknowledgements; 5. Analytical methods for the detection of waterborne and environmental pathogenic mycobacteria; 5.1 Introduction.
Environmental mycobacteria can be found in diverse environments around the world and most appear to exhibit a saprophytic lifestyle. However, some have the ability to infect animals, birds and humans, and have evolved mechanisms by which they can invade and grow within host cells: the pathogenic environmental mycobacteria (PEM). Although the diseases caused by these organisms have been known for many years, it is only recently that the potential significance of PEM as a waterborne pathogen has been appreciated. Pathogenic Mycobacteria in Water describes the current knowledge of the distribution of PEM in water and other parts of the environment. The routes of transmission that lead to human infection are discussed and there is a detailed analysis of the most significant disease symptoms that can follow infection. Many species of PEM are difficult to isolate in culture and so detection and identification rely upon the use modern techniques such as those based on selective nucleic acid amplification (PCR). The classical and modern methods of analysis are described. The book concludes with a discussion of the issues surrounding the control of PEM in drinking-water and the assessment and management of risks. Pathogenic Mycobacteria in Water has been developed from an expert workshop convened by the World Health Organization and the US Environmental Protection Agency.