Über Erkrankungen des Herzens und der Gefäße im Alter, insbesondere über den Herzinfarkt und seine Behandlung. Die Behandlung des Blasensteins :
228. Sitzung am 6. November 1974 in Düsseldorf
von Werner H. Hauss, Wolfgang Lutzeyer.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
42 Seiten
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Natur-, Ingenieur- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Vorträge, 249
Arteriosclerosis is a reaetive disease of the vaseular wall, similar to inflammatory proeesses. It oeeurs in eonneetion with a "non-specifie mesenehymal reaetion". It is indueed and maintained by a large number of non-specifie faetors whieh include the well known risk faetors. The sclero genie faetors attaek the vaseular wall eells whieh should be regarded as belonging to the mesenehymal system. The pathologieal reaetion of the vaseular wall eells is indispensable for the eommeneement of the sclerotie proeess. The ehanges in wall strueture eaused by the pathologie al mes enehymal reaetion are deeisive faetors in the development of seeondary pathologieal symptoms (lipidosis, fibrinosis, neerosis and thrombosis). Measures for the prevention of this eondition must take aeeount of the multiple eausative faetors. The disease is by no means eaused solely by wrong eating habits, in partieular the exeess of fat in the diet; a large number of other faetors playapart, as has been demonstrated by animal studies.