American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(561 pages)
Chapter 4. Plasma Physics"
Cover"; "Title"; "Copyright"; "Acknowledgment of Support"; "Table of Contents"; "Preface"; "Chapter 1. Satellite Aerodynamics"; "Aerodynamic Characteristics Derived from Observation of Satellite Motion"; "Numerical Analysis of Aerothermodynamic Environment of HITEN Spacecraft Aerobrake Experiment"; "Manned Mars Entry Vehicle Aerothermodynamic Analysis"; "Measurement and Prediction of Aerodynamic Effecton YOHKOH Satellite at Lower Earth Orbit"; "Particle Simulation of Satellite Aerobraking with Coupled Surface Heat Transfer" "Measuring Lift Coefficient in Free Molecular Flow While Aerobraking Magellan""Vehicle Aerodynamics in the Transition Regime"; "Chapter 2. Rarefied Aerodynamic Flows"; "Aerodynamics of Rarefied Gases and High-Altitude Flight"; "Force and Heat Transfer on Delta Wing from Continuum to Free Molecular Flow"; "Computational Tools for Rarefied Aerodynamics"; "Monte Carlo Simulation of Plume Effects on Space Vehicles"; "Investigation of Nozzle and Plume Expansions of a Small Helium Thruster" "Investigation of Aerodynamic Control Surface Efficiency in Transitional Regime of Rarefied Gas""Application of Local Method in Prediction of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Complex Configurations"; "Computation of Transitional Flows Around Three-Dimensional Re-Entry Bodies"; "Experimental Study of Angular Dispersion of Liquid Drop Streams"; "Kinetic Theory Model Predictions Compared with Low-Thrust Axisymmetric Nozzle Plume Data"; "Transient Behavior of a Rarefied Gas Mixture to Sudden Start of Reaction at an Infinite Plane Catalytic Wall"; "Chapter 3. Hypersonic Rarefied Flows" "Direct Monte Carlo Simulations of Hypersonic Low-Density Flows About an ASTV Including Wake Structure""Direct Monte Carlo Simulations of Hypersonic Viscous Interactions Including Separation"; "Direct Simulation of Rarefied Hypersonic Flow over a Flat Plate with Incomplete Surface Accommodation"; "Unified Plots of Hypersonic Flow past Flat Plates in Transition Regime"; "lonization Reactions and Electric Fields in Plane Hypersonic Shock Waves"; "Direct Simulation of the Hypersonic Rarefied Flow of Nitrogen and Argon past a Delta Wing" "Direct Simulation of a Hypersonic Shock Interaction Problem""Slender Lifting Body Axial Force Prediction in Hypersonic Rarefied Flow"; "Rarefied Hypersonic Flow over a Sharp Flat Plate:Numerical and Experimental Results"; "Rarefied Hypersonic Flow over a Flat Plate withTruncated Leading Edge"; "Aerodynamic Optimization for Hypersonic Flight at Very High Altitudes"; "Effects of Mach Number, T(wall), T(infinity), and Thermal Accommodation Coefficient on Flow Around Bluff Bodies in the Rarefied Regime"; "Rarefied Flow Simulations About a Blunt-Ended Cylinder at Incidence"