Adaptivity and learning --; an interdisciplinary debate / Reimer Kuhn, Randolf Menzel, Wolfram Menzel, Ulrich Ratsch, Michael M. Richter and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu --; Biology of adaptation and learning / Martin Giurfa and Randolf Menzel --; The adaptive properties of the phosphate uptake system of cyanobacteria: information storage about environmental phosphate supply / Gernot Falkner and Renate Falkner --; Cognitive architecture of a mini-brain / Martin Giurfa and Randolf Menzel --; Cerebral mechanisms of learning revealed by functional neuroimaging in humans / David E.J. Linden --; Creating presence by bridging between the past and the future: the role of learning and memory for the organization of life / Randolf Menzel.
Adaptivity and learning have in recent decades become a common concern of scientific disciplines. These issues have arisen in mathematics, physics, biology, informatics, economics, and other fields more or less simultaneously. The aim of this publication is the interdisciplinary discourse on the phenomenon of learning and adaptivity. Different perspectives are presented and compared to find fruitful concepts for the disciplines involved. The authors select problems showing representative traits concerning the frame up, the methods and the achievements rather than to present extended overviews. To foster interdisciplinary dialogue, this book presents diverse perspectives from various scientific fields, including: - The biological perspective: e.g., physiology, behaviour; - The mathematical perspective: e.g., algorithmic and stochastic learning; - The physics perspective: e.g., learning for artificial neural networks; - The "learning by experience" perspective: reinforcement learning, social learning, artificial life; - The cognitive perspective: e.g., deductive/inductive procedures, learning and language learning as a high level cognitive process; - The application perspective: e.g., robotics, control, knowledge engineering.