There are many ways to write a book on shells. The author might, for example, devote his attention exclusively to a special type, such as shell roofs or pressure vessels, and consider all the minor details of stress calculations and even the design. On the other hand, he might stress the mathematical side of the subject to such an extent that he virtually writes a book on differential equations under the guise of the mechanical subject. The present hook has been kept away from these extremes. At first sight it may look to many people like a mathematics book, but it is hoped that the serious reader will soon see that it has been written by an engineer and for engineers. In a theoretical subject such as this one, it is, of course, not possible to get very far with the multiplication table and elementary trigonom etry alone. The ma,thematical prerequisites vary widely in different parts of the book, depending on the subject. In some parts ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients are all that is needed.