A call to action --; In 30 seconds or less --; Connect --; Stay in touch; make it last --; Stand up, act up --; Start something --; Epilogue: 75 million gems --; Appendix A: What are developmental assets? --; Appendix B: What are sparks? --; Discussion guide: questions to get groups thinking, talking, and acting-questions for parents; questions for teachers; questions for mentors; questions for adult friends.
Rather than focusing on teens' problems, this handbook takes a proactive approach and highlights hopeful actions adults can take to have a positive impact on a young person's life. For example, adults will learn to use 30-second encounters to offer compliments and to ask meaningful questions of children that lead to deeper conversations. This call to action invites every adult to be an advocate for children and teenagers, promoting happier, healthier, and more successful youth.