edited by Hanneke J. G. Baretta-Bekker, Egbert K. Duursma, Bouwe R. Kuipers.
Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Marine science today is an area of rapid expansion. Scientific activity is in creasing, and a growing number of scientists are involved in one or more of its disciplines. For a thorough understanding of the marine environment. for its exploration, exploitation and management. background knowledge of more than one discipline is required. A clear need therefore exists for a concise multidisciplinary oceanographic encyclopedia. The initiative for this book was taken by the Netherland Institute of Sea Research. NIOZ, TexeL a multidisciplinary institute, founded in 1876. The encyclopedia contains some 1850 entries, 210 of which in marine chem istry. 330 in physical oceanography. 350 in marine geology and 940 in marine biology, while the remaining 20 are general terms. Concepts. terminology and methods of the various disciplines are briefly explained and especially in the description of marine processes the book tries to be more than a glossary or dictionary. It tries to provide a succinct overview of the major topics in marine science. Students, teachers, and scientists as well as interested laymen may use it to find an explanation of oceanographic terms outside their own fields. The manuscript was read by a variety of potential users, whose comments were used to improve and clarify the descriptions.
Earth Sciences.
edited by Hanneke J. G. Baretta-Bekker, Egbert K. Duursma, Bouwe R. Kuipers.