I: One-dimensional, One-channel Systems --; 1 The principal Equations of Scattering Theory --; 2 Exactly Solvable Models: Bargmann Potentials VB --; 3 Approximate Solutions --; 4 The Levinson Theorem --; II. Multi-channel, Multi-dimensional, Multi-particle Problems --; 5 Multi-channel Equations --; 6 Multi-dimensional Problems --; 7 Multi-particle Systems --; References.
This textbook can almost be viewed as a "how-to" manual for solving quantum inverse problems, that is, for deriving the potential from spectra or scattering data and also, as somewhat of a quantum "picture book" which should enhance the reader's quantum intuition. The formal exposition of inverse methods is paralleled by a discussion of the direct problem. Differential and finite-difference equations are presented side by side. The common features and (dis)advantages of a variety of solution methods are analyzed. To foster a better understanding, the physical meaning of the mathematical quantities are discussed explicitly. Wave confinement in continuum bound states, resonance and collective tunneling, energy shifts and the spectral and phase equivalence of various interactions are some of the physical problems covered.