IUTAM Symposium Toulouse/France September 11-15, 1989
edited by D. Arnal, R. Michel.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(xxix, 710 pages 499 illustrations)
International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.
Session 1: Opening session.- Dialogue on Progress and Issues in Stability and Transition Research.- Experimental Investigation of Tollmien Schlichting Instability and Transition in Similar Boundary Layer Flow in an Adverse Pressure Gradient.- On the Development of Turbulent Spots in Plane Poiseuille Flow.- Transition Flight Experiments on a Swept Wing with Suction.- Session 2: Fundamental Aspects 1.- Secondary and Cascade Resonant Instabilities of Boundary Layers. Wave-Resonant Concept of a Breakdown and its Substantiation.- Nonlinear Breakdowns in Boundary Layer Transition.- Threshold Conditions for Breakdown of Laminar Boundary Layers.- Propagation of Wave Packets in the Boundary Layer on a Curved Surface.- Boundary Layer Control by a Local Heating of the Wall.- Poster Session 1.- Effects of Boundary-Layer Growth on the Linear Regime of Transition over Compliant Walls.- Investigations on Flow Instabilities on Airfoils by Means of Piezofoil-Arrays.- On the Spatial Structure of Disturbances in Boundary Layer Subharmonic Transition.- Three-Dimensional Effects in Boundary-Layer Transition: A High Reynolds Number Weakly Nonlinear Theory.- Session 3: Fundamental Aspects 2.- Effect of Controlled Resonant Interactions and Mode Detuning on Turbulent Transition in Boundary Layers.- Role of Transients in Boundary Layer Instability and Transition.- The Evolution of a Localized Disturbance in a Laminar Boundary Layer.- On the Breakdown of a Wave-Packet Disturbance in a Laminar Boundary Layer.- Development of Wall Turbulence in Blasius Flow.- Session 4 Compressible Flows.- Transition Research in Low-Disturbance High-Speed Wind Tunnels.- Experimental Study of the Supersonic Boundary Layer Stability on the Cone-Cylinder Model.- Stability Theory fo Chemically Reacting Flows.- Effects of Suction. Pressure Gradient and Cooling on High Speed Boundary Layer Stability.- On the Instability of Hypersonic Flow Past a Wedge.- On the Subharmonic Instability of Compressible Boundary Layers.- Poster Session 2.- On the Evolution of Localized Disturbances in Laminar Shear Flows.- On the Wave Packets Interaction in a BTransitional Boundary Layer.- Stability of the Laminar Boundary Layer for an Imperfect Gas.- Numerical Simulation of Spatially Growing Three-Dimensional Disturbance Waves in Compressible Boundary Layers.- Session 5: Stability in 3D Flows.- Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Natural Transition on "Infinite" Swept Wing.- An Evaluation of Stability-Based Methods for Transition of Three-Dimensional Flows.- Correlation of Boundary Layer Stability Analysis with Flight Transition Data.- Stability of High-Speed Chemically Reacting and Three-Dimensional Boundary Layers.- Cross-Flow Instability of 3D Boundary Layers on a Flat Plate.- Experiments on Swept-Wing Boundary Layers.- Poster Session 3.- On the Stability of Swept Wing Laminar Boundary Layers Including Curvature Effects.- An Investigation of the Non-linear Instability of Flow near a Swept Attachment-Line.- Time dependent Instabilities of Rayleigh-Benard Convection in Boxes.- Blunt-Nosed Swept Supercritical LFC Wings Without Nose Flaps.- Analysis of Transition in Taylor-Couette Flow with Small Aspect Ratio.- Session 6: 3D Flows and Longitudinal Vortices.- Instability Features Appearing on Swept Wing Configurations.- Development and Interaction of Instabilities in the Crossflow Field.- Secondary Instabilities of Three-Dimensional Inflectional Velocity Profiles Resulting from Longitudinal Vorticity Elements in Boundary Layers.- On the Goertler Vortex Instability Mechanism at Hypersonic Speeds.- Instabilities in Curved and Rotating Channels Flow.- Visual Study of Boundary Layer Transition on Rotating Flat Plate.- Session 7: Receptivity.- Generation of Boundary Layer Instability Waves by Acoustic and Vortical Free-Stream Disturbances.- Experimental Study of the Travelling Waves in a Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer.- The Experimental Investigation of Stability and Receptivity of a Swept-Wing Flow.- Receptivity and Stability of the Boundary Layer at a High Turbulence Level.- Hydrodynamic Instability and Receptivity of Small Scale Separation Regions.- Poster Session 4.- Hypersonic Transitional Flow in a Compression Corner in 2D Configuration.- Classification of Laminar-Turbulent Transition near Rotating Bodies.- Spiral Vortex Behaviour in Transition Region and Separation of Three-Dimensional Boundary Layers on Spheres Rotating in Axial Flow.- Wavy Vortices in Rotating Channel Flow.- Theoretical Study of Goertler Vortices : Linear Stability Approach.- Laminar Boundary Layers in Turbulent Flows.- Certain Aspects of Flows over Rough Leading Edges.- Session 8: Numerical Simulations.- Numerical Simulation of Instability and Transition in Boundary Layer Flows.- Large-Eddy Simulations of Mixing Layers.- Numerical Simulation of Transition due to Crossflow Instability.- Direct Numerical Study of Crossflow Instability.- Second Mode Interactions in Supersonic Boundary Layers.- Session 9: 3D Roughness elements.- The Effect of a Single Cylindrical Roughness Element on Boundary Layer Transition in a Favourable Pressure Gradient.- The Effect of Isolated Roughness Elements on Transition in Attachment Line Flows.- Boundary Layer Tripping in Supersonic Flow.- Poster Session 5.- Numerical Simulation of Two- and Three-Dimensional Instability Waves in Two-dimensional Boundary Layers with Streamwise Pressure Gradient.- Numerical Simulation of the Control of the Three-Dimensional Transition Process in Boundary Layers.- On the Application of Large-Eddy Simulation to Transitional Wall-Bounded Flows.- Visualisation of Boundary Layer Transition.- Control of Transition of Flow over Circular Cylinder.
The subject of laminar-turbulent transition is of considerable practical importance and has a wide range of engineering applications. For this reason, the International Union of Applied Mechanics decided to sponsor a third Symposium on "Laminar-Turbulent Transition", which would be organised by the ONERA Toulouse Research Center and held at "Ecole Nationale Superieure de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace" in 1989. It was supposed that like the two previous IUTAM Symposia (Stuttgart 1979 and Novosibirsk 1984) the symposium would be devoted to experimental of laminar-turbulent transition In fluids, i.e. the and theoretical studies physical problem of transition and mathematical modelling in shear flows. The contributed papers were selected by the Scientific Committee from extended abstracts. The larger number of highly qualified papers submitted for presentation led us to include in the program poster sessions, which could be held during morning, lunch and afternoon breaks, and to take the decision that the symposium should last five days (from Monday 11 to Friday 15 September). An excursion on Wednesday offering a well deserved rest and the occasion of new personal exchanges between the participants seems to have been appreciated by all. The symposium consisted of 8 invited lectures and 62 contributed pa pers presented either on oral or poster sessions.