Proceedings of the Conference, Imperial College, London, England September 13-14, 1984
edited by D.G. Pettifor, D.L. Weaire.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Springer series in solid-state sciences, 58.
I Introduction.- Why Recur?.- The Recursive Solution of Schroedinger's Equation.- II Asymptotic Behaviour.- Asymptotic Behaviour of Continued Fraction Coefficients Related to Singularities of the Weight Function.- Band Gaps and Asymptotic Behaviour of Continued Fraction Coefficients.- Computing Greenians: Quadrature and Termination.- Application of Linear Prediction for Extrapolating Recursion Coefficients.- III Related Methods.- On a Generalized-Moments Method.- The Equation of Motion Method.- Use of Cyclic Matrices to Obtain Analytic Expressions for Crystals.- IV Solid State Applications.- Continued Fractions and Perturbation Theory: Application to Tight Binding Systems.- Response Functions and Interatomic Forces.- The Recursion Method with a Non-Orthogonal Basis.- V Lanczos Method Applications.- Hamiltonian Eigenvalues for Lattice Gauge Theories.- The Lanczos Method in Lattice Gauge Theories.- A Dedicated Lanczos Computer for Nuclear Structure Calculations.- VI Conference Summary.- Conference Summary.- Index of Contributors.