NATO ASI series., Series F,, Computer and systems sciences ;, no. 139.
Program Development by Proof Transformation --; Concurrent Processes and Petri Nets --; Using Reflection to Explain and Enhance Type Theory --; On Geometry of Interaction --; Behavioural Specifications --; A Deductive Approach to Logic Programming --; Rewrite Proofs and Computations --; Action Structures and the Pi Calculus --; Linear Logic and Computation: A Survey --; Computable Functions on Stream Algebras --; The Proof Theoretic Complexity of Recursive Programs.
Logical concepts and methods are of growing importance in many areas of computer science. The proofs-as-programs paradigm and the wide acceptance of Prolog show this clearly. The logical notion of a formal proof in various constructive systems can be viewed as a very explicit way to describe a computation procedure. Also conversely, the development of logical systems has been influenced by accumulating knowledge on rewriting and unification techniques. This volume contains a series of lectures by leading researchers giving a presentation of new ideas on the impact of the concept of a formal proof on computation theory. The subjects covered are: specification and abstract data types, proving techniques, constructive methods, linear logic, and concurrency and logic.
Logic programming -- Congresses.
Logic, Symbolic and mathematical -- Congresses.
Programmation logique -- Congrès.
edited by Helmut Schwichtenberg.
Helmut Schwichtenberg
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Division.