Porphyrin Metabolism, Behavioral and Endocrine Effects
edited by Susan M. Webb, Roger A. Hoffman, Manuel L. Puig-Domingo, Russel J. Reiter.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(xiv, 325 pages 117 illustrations)
A Short Review.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Gross Anatomy.- 3 Morphology.- 3.1 Light Microscopy.- 3.2 Electron Microscopy.- 3.3 Innervation.- 3.4 Lipid Droplet Section.- 4 Histochemistry-Biochemistry.- 5 Conclusions.- References.- The Function of the Harderian Gland in the Mongolian Gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus.- 1 Introduction.- 2 The Release of Harderian Gland Secretions.- 3 Chemical Communication and Harderian Gland Function.- 4 Thermoregulation and Osmoregulation.- 5 The Delicate Balance.- References.- Gonadal Hormones, Structure and Porphyrin Synthesis in the Rodent Harderian Gland.- 1 Sex Differences in Porphyrin Synthesis and Gland Structure.- 2 Hormone Changes, Gland Structure and Porphyrin Synthesis.- 2.1 The Male Hamster Harderian Gland.- 2.2 The Female Hamster Harderian Gland.- 2.3 Interrelation Between Structure and Porphyrin Synthesis.- 2.4 Why Should Hormones Affect the Harderian Gland?.- 2.4.1 Because it is a gland of ectodermal origin.- 2.4.2 Because it synthesises porphyrins.- 2.4.3 Because it is a site of immune response.- 2.4.4 Because it synthesises lipids.- 2.4.5 Because it produces pheromones.- 2.5 How Can We Use This Interrelationship?.- References.- The Harderian Gland in Birds: Histology and Immunology.- 1 Introduction.- 2 The Shape of the Avian Harderian Glands.- 3 Secretory Duct.- 4 Histology.- 5 Secretory Mechanism.- 6 Secretory Products.- 7 Plasma Cell and Lymphocytes.- 8 Immune Status of the Fowl Harderian Gland.- 9 Immunoglobulin Production.- 10 Specific Antibody Production.- References.- Porphyrins and Their Possible Significance in Harderian Glands.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Haem Biosynthesis.- 2.1 ALA Synthase (EC 2.2 ALA Dehydratase (EC 2.3 PBG Deaminase (EC and Uroporphyrinogen 3-Cosynthase (EC 2.4 Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase (EC 2.5 Coproporphyrinogen Oxidase (EC 2.6 Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase (EC 2.7 Ferrochelatase (EC 3 Control of Haem Biosynthesis.- 3.1 The Role of ALA Synthase.- 3.2 Glycine.- 3.3 Control in Normal Subjects and in Porphyrins.- 3.4 Measurement of Porphyrins and their Enzymes.- 4 Porphyria.- 5 Porphyrin Synthesis in the Rodent Harderian Gland.- 6 Histological Appearance of Porphyrins in the Harderian Gland.- 6.1 Histological Preparation.- 6.2 Effects of Drugs.- 7 Factors Influencing Porphyrin Synthesis in the Harderian Gland.- 7.1 Species Differences.- 7.2 Age and Strain.- 7.3 Sex Differences.- 7.4 Effects of Temperature and Lighting.- 8 Harderianectomy and Porphyrin Synthesis.- 9 Porphyrins and Cancer Susceptibility.- 10 The Possible Significance of Harderian Gland Porphyrins.- 10.1 Lubrication.- 10.2 Pheromones and Thermoregulation.- 10.3 Phototransduction.- 10.4 Reproductive Function.- References.- Lipids in Harderian Glands and Their Significance.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Chemical Diversity of Lipids.- 2.1 Secretory Lipids.- 2.1.1 Rabbit.- 2.1.2 Guinea Pig.- 2.1.3 Rat.- 2.1.4 Mouse.- 2.1.5 Mouse Tumour.- 2.1.6 Golden Hamster.- 2.1.7 Mongolian Gerbil.- 2.2 Nonsecretory Neutral Lipids.- 2.2.1 Rabbit.- 2.2.2 Guinea Pig.- 2.2.3 Rat.- 2.2.4 Mouse.- 2.2.5 Mouse Tumour.- 2.2.6 Golden Hamster.- 2.2.7 Mongolian Gerbil.- 2.3 Phospholipids.- 2.3.1 Rabbit.- 2.3.2 Guinea Pig.- 2.3.3 Rat.- 2.3.4 Mouse.- 2.3.5 Golden Hamster.- 2.4 Glycolipids.- 2.4.1 Guinea Pig.- 2.4.2 Rat and Mouse.- 3 Enzymes Related to Lipid Synthesis.- 3.1 Fatty Acid Synthase.- 3.2 Enzymes in the Ether-Lipid Synthesis.- 3.2.1 Dihydroxyacetone Phosphate Acyltransferase.- 3.2.2 Alkyl-DHAP Synthase.- 3.2.3 Alkylacylglycerol Acyltransferase.- 3.2.4 Alkylglycerol Phosphotransferase.- 3.2.5 Alkylglycerol-3-Phosphate Acyltransferase.- 4 Significance of Lipids in the Harderian Gland.- References.- Harderian Gland Indoles.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Indole Synthesis and Metabolism.- 3 Indoles in the Rodent Harderian Gland.- 3.1 Melatonin.- 3.2 Other Indoles.- 4 Indoles in the Harderian Glands of Nonrodent Species.- 5 Are Harderian Gland Indoles Secreted to Circulation?.- 6 Conclusions.- References.- Harderian Gland Peptides.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Somatostatin.- 3 Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP).- 4 Substance P.- 5 Arginine Vasopressin and Oxytocin.- 6 Neurotensin (NT), Cholecystokinin (CCK), Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and Calcitonin-Gene-Related-Peptide (CGRP).- 7 Harderian Gland-Derived Growth Factor (HGDGF).- 8 Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone (TRH).- 9 Summary.- References.- Adrenergic Activity in the Male Rat Harderian Gland.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Experimental Procedures.- 2.1 Animals.- 2.2 Tyrosine Hydroxylase Activity.- 2.3 Catecholamine Concentration.- 2.4 Chromatographic Conditions.- 2.5 Hormonal Determination.- 2.6 Statistical Analysis.- 3 Experimental Findings.- 4 Commentary and Conclusions.- References.- The Interrelationship Between the Harderian Glands and the Neuroendocrine-Thyroid Axis in Rodents.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Graves Ophthalmopathy and the Harderian Gland.- 3 Effects of the Neuroendocrine-Thyroid Axis on Harderian Glands.- 3.1 Weights, Morphology, Composition.- 3.2 Porphyrins.- 3.3 Indoles.- 4 Response of Harderian Glands to Thyrotropin and Thyroid Hormones.- 5 Effects of Harderian Glands on Thyroid Hormones.- 6 Conclusions.- References.- Type II 5?-Deiodinase in the Harderian Gland.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Characteristics of the Type II 5?-Deiodinase Enzyme.- 3 Photoperiod and Type II 5?-Deiodinase Activity.- References.- The Pineal and the Harderian Glands: Evidence for Mutual Interactions.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Evidence for Harderian Gland Effects on the Pineal Gland.- 3 Evidence for Pineal Gland Effects on the Harderian Glands.- 4 Final Comment.- References.- The Harderian Gland as a Target for Steroid Hormone Action: Role and Characteristics of Intracellular Receptors.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Genomic Mechanisms of Steroid Hormone Action.- 3 Androgen Receptors.- 4 Progesterone Receptors.- 5 Estrogen Receptors.- 6 Other Hormone Receptors.- 7 Concluding Remarks.- References.- Additional References.
The Past, Present and Future of the Harderian Gland.- Comparative Anatomy of the Mammalian Harderian Glands.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Harderian Gland in Individual Mammalian Species.- 3 Macroscopic Anatomy of the Mammalian Harderian Gland.- 3.1 Location and Shape of the Harderian Gland.- 3.2 Duct of the Harderian Gland.- 3.3 Innervation.- 3.4 Orbital Venous Sinus.- 4 Comparative Anatomy of the Harderian Gland.- 4.1 Mammalian Harderian Gland.- 4.2 Harderian Gland in Mammals and Lower Vertebrates.- References.- Harderian Glands and Their Development in Laboratory Rats and Mice.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Histological Organization.- 2.1 Secretory Epithelium.- 2.2 Myoepithelial Cells.- 2.3 Interstitial Connective Tissue.- 2.4 Cytology.- 3 Secretory Products.- 3.1 Lipids.- 3.2 Porphyrins.- 3.3 Melatonin.- 3.4 Other products.- 4 Innervations.- 5 Development.- 6 Hormones.- 6.1 Gonadal Steroids.- 6.2 Thyroid Hormones.- 7 Light.- 8 Tumours and Diseases.- 9 Ocular Immune System.- 10 Conclusions.- References.- The Structure of the Harderian Gland of the Golden Hamster.- 1 Introduction.- 2 General Features.- 3 Particular Features.- 3.1 The Epithelial Cells.- 3.1.1 The Epithelial Cells of the Male Gland.- 3.1.2 The Epithelial Cells of the Female Gland.- 3.1.3 Classification of Epithelial Cell Types.- 3.2 The Luminal Contents.- 3.3 Myoepithelial Cells.- 3.4 Interstitial Tissues.- 3.5 The Secretory Duct.- 4 Hormones and the Harderian Gland.- 5 Development of the Hamster Harderian Gland.- 6 Comparisons with Other Species and Overview.- References.- The Mammalian Harderian Gland: Ultrastructure, Sexual Dimorphism, and Its Regulation by Light and Steroids.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Secretory Epithelium.- 2.1 Rabbit.- 2.2 Armadillo.- 2.3 Gerbil.- 2.4 Rat.- 2.5 Mouse.- 2.6 Plains Mouse.- 2.7 Woodmouse.- 2.8 Hamster.- 3 Secretory Products.- 3.1 Lipids.- 3.2 Porphyrin.- 4 Myoepithelial Cells.- 5 Innervation.- 6 Secretory Duct.- 7 Sexual Dimorphism.- 7.1 Influence of Light.- 7.2 Regulation by Steroids.- References.- The Harderian Gland of Amphibians and Reptiles.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Embryology.- 2.1 Amphibians.- 2.2 Reptiles.- 3 Gross Anatomy.- 3.1 Amphibians.- 3.2 Reptiles.- 4 Histology and Ultrastructure.- 4.1 Amphibians.- 4.2 Reptiles.- 5 Histochemistry.- 5.1 Amphibians.- 5.2 Reptiles.- 6 Regulation of the Secretory Activity.- 6.1 Exogenous Factors.- 6.2 Endogenous Factors.- 7 Pinealectomy.- 8 Hypophysectomy.- 9 Sex Hormones.- 10 Putative Functions.- 11 Concluding Remarks.- References.- Morphology of the Harderian Gland in the Rabbit.
The Harderian glands, located within the orbital cavities of amphibia, reptiles, birds and most mammals, are perhaps one of the last discrete tissues for which we connot yet define a normal physiological role or regulation. The book brings together all known information on the Harderian glands. It covers comparative anatomy at several levels, the concentra- tions and regulation of indole and catecholamines, porph- yrins, peptides and lipids, and the interactions of the Har- derian glands with the thyroid and pineal glands. One chap- ter is devoted to the avian Harderian glands and their role in the immune response, and another to the glands in amphi- bia and reptiles. Containing a master bibliographic compila- tion of all known literature on the Harderian glands the book represents a valuable reference source which offers new or established investigators a ready and convenient base of information.
Human physiology.
edited by Susan M. Webb, Roger A. Hoffman, Manuel L. Puig-Domingo, Russel J. Reiter.