Springer series on atomic, optical, and plasma physics, 9.
1. Introduction --; 2. Analytical Methods for the Calculation of Quasienergy States (QS) of Quantum Systems --; 2.1 Interaction of Quantum Systems with a Nonstationary Field --; 2.2 Perturbation Theory for QSs of Degenerate Quantum Systems --; 2.3 High-Frequency or Very Intense Nonstationary Fields --; 3. Action of One-Dimensional Quasimonochromatic Electric Fields (QEF) on Coulomb Emitters --; 3.1 Splitting of Hydrogen-like Spectral Lines in a Single-Mode QEF --; 3.2 Splitting of Hydrogen-like Spectral Lines in a Multimode QEF --; 3.3 Impact Broadening of Hydrogen-like Spectral Lines --; 3.4 Frequency-integrated Radiative Characteristics of Hydrogen-like Emitters Interacting with a Resonant Laser Field and a Low-Frequency QEF --; 4. Action of Multidimensional Dynamic Electric Fields on Coulomb Emitters --; 4.1 Splitting of Hydrogen-like Spectral Lines in a Plane Polarized QEF --; 4.2 Joint Action of QEF and Quasistatic EF on Hydrogen-like Spectral Lines --; 4.3 Hydrogen-like Spectral Lines in a High-Frequency or Strong QEF with a Quasistatic EF --; 5. Action of a One-Dimensional QEF on Non-Coulomb Emitters --; 5.1 Satellites of Dipole-Forbidden Spectral Lines Caused by a Nonresonant Action of QEFs (Three-Level Scheme) --; 5.2 Satellites of Dipole-Forbidden Spectral Lines in Resonant QEFs. Three-Level Scheme --; 5.3 Satellites of Dipole-Forbidden Spectral Lines in More Complicated (Four-Level) Systems --; 5.4 Electron Oscillatory Shift in Plasmas Interacting with a Powerful Coherent Radiation --; 5.5 Action of QEFs on Diatomic Polar Molecules --; 5.6 Frequency-Integrated Radiative Characteristics of Non-Coloumb Emitters Interacting with a Resonant Laser Field and Low-Frequency QEF --; 6. Non-Coulomb Emitters Under Multidimensional Dynamic EFs (Elliptically Polarized QEFs; Quasistatic EF plus QEF) --; 6.1 Satellites of Dipole-Forbidden Spectral Lines Caused by an Elliptically Polarized QEF --; 6.2 Joint Action of QEF and Intraplasmic Quasistatic EF on Non-Coulomb Emitters --; 6.3 Shift of Spectral Lines of Diatomic Polar Molecules in an Elliptically Polarized QEF --; 7. Applications of the Theory to Experimental Plasma Diagnostics --; 7.1 Preliminary Remarks --; 7.2 QEFs in?-Pinches --; 7.3 QEFs in a Z-Pinch --; 7.4 New Features of Intra-Stark Spectroscopy Caused by a High Density of Plasmas --; 7.5 QEFs in Tokamaks --; 7.6 QEFs in Plasmas Interacting with a Strong Microwave Field --; Appendices --; D Generalized QSs of a Hydrogen Atom in a Bichromatic EF --; E Influence of Bound Electrons on the Frequency and Damping of Langmuir Oscillations --; References.
Plasma Spectroscopy systematically develops the foundations of spectroscopy for plasmas subjected to quasi-monochromatic electric fields in the microwave or visible range. Such fields may be due to longitudinal Langmuir waves or low hybrid oscillations, which are excited in pulsed discharged or by high-current beams of charged particles. Even more important are the transverse fields present in the plasmas of tokamaks, laser fusion, and technological microwave discharges. This book is intended for researchers dealing with plasma spectroscopy, plasma diagnostics, high frequency and microwave discharges, laser induced discharges, particle and laser-beam interactions with plasmas, controlled fusion, and ionospheric and astrophysical plasmas. It describes methods for measuring the field and plasma parameters and discusses their practical application. It also presents new results on nonpertubative analysis of the interaction of quantum systems with a strong radiation field.