Introduction --; Dietary Fat, Nutritional Status and Endocrine-Associated Cancers --; Dietary Fat, Dietary Cholesterol and Obesity as Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer, Kidney Cancer and Other Tumours --; Dietary Fibre, Carbohydrate and Cancer: Epidemiologic Evidence --; Experimental Studies of Fat, Fibre and Calories in Carcinogenesis --; Vitamins, Minerals and Other Dietary Factors --; Methodological Issues in the Investigation of Diet and Cancer in Humans --; Alcohol --; Summary: Synthesis and Future Directions.
This volume gives a concise review of current knowledge on the association between dietary fat and hormone associated cancers. Attention is focused on cancer of the breast, endometrium, ovary, prostate, and colorectum, although reference is also made to other cancers. The evidence relating dietary fat, fibre, alcohol and various micro-nutrients to cancer risk is presented in a balanced review by a distinguished group of scientists. The authors do not attempt to establish dietary recommendations for the general public; however they do devote attention to methodological issues such as the collection of dietary data and epidemologic studies. These guidelines provide researchers with information on the optimal approaches to dietary assessment methods in studies of human diet and cancer.