Toxins are everywhere : how toxins affected history --; The germ of an idea : a gradual acceleration up to the mid-1850s --; The golden age of microbiology : Pasteur, Koch, and the birth of the toxin concept --; The anatomy of diphtheria : taming the deadly scourge of childhood --; Understanding : all toxins fit into three basic mechanisms --; Why are plague and typhoid so deadly? : a further layer of cunning --; Deviant biology : weapons, espionage, and man's innate inhumanity --; A more optimistic outcome : from poison to cure and the cell biologist's toolkit --; Where is toxinology going now? : is there anything new out there?
Alistair Lax takes a fascinating look at these most devious molecules, explaining the many ingenious mechanisms they use to penetrate our cell's defences, and the deadly pandemics that result. A story not only of disease but also of human rivalry and persistence in our struggle to understand, combat, and harness these powerful toxins. - ;What do the following have in common: the promise of Botox as the key to everlasting youthful looks; E. coli O157 hamburger disease; a mysterious illness which killed 35 heroin users in 2000; and the assassination by poisoned umbrella-tip of a Bulgarian dissid.