Estimation of product attributes and their importances
[by] J.P. Wallace [and] A. Sherret.
New York, Springer-Verlag
(94 pages) illustrations.
Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, 89.
I. Estimating the Relative Importance of Product Attributes.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Attribute Definition and Measurement.- 3. The Experiment.- 4. Demand Equation Formulation and Estimation Procedures.- 5. Demand Equation Parameter Interpretation as Importances.- 6. Supply Side Formulation.- 7. Simultaneous Equation Model Formulation.- 8. The Adequacy of an Attribute Description.- 9. Reduction of Semantic Redundancy.- 10. The Validation of Some Crucial Assumptions.- 11. Estimation of the Utility Function Parameters of Target Markets.- 12. Estimates of Relative Importance and Model Structure.- 13. An Application of the Results.- 14. Summary and Conclusions.- II. A Simultaneous Equation Model for Estimating Mode Attribute Importances.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Preliminary Estimation of the Demand Equation.- 3. Supply Side Formulation.- 4. The Automobile/Highway Supply Side Model.- 5. The Rail Transit Supply Side Model.- 6. A Simultaneous Equation Model.- 7. Comparison of Results.- 8. Conclusions.