Cover; Book title; Contents; Introduction; Acknowledgements; Part One: Concepts and Tools of Analysis; 1 Realism; An election broadcast; A drama documentary; A feature-length documentary film; 2 Ideology and Representation; The concept of ideology; Case study: Girl boxers; Case study: The Terminator; 3 Audiences; Approaches to the concept of 'audience'; Case study: Violence and the Media; Censorship; 4 Tools of Analysis; Reading texts: film; Case study: Field of Dreams; Reading texts: television; Reading texts: music video; Reading texts: radio; Reading texts: print media. Case study: BarnardosReading texts: Web pages; Part Two: The Media Industries; 5 British Broadcasting; Radio broadcasting in Britain; Television broadcasting in Britain; British broadcasting in the 1990s; Case study: Local media organisation: KFM Hits and Memories (96.2 MHz, 101.6 MHz); 6 The Press; Landmarks in press history; Press ownership today; The Press Complaints Commission; Readership and the 'post-Diana' factor; The press in the future; Case study: The Voice: representation in the media; 7 News; What is news?; News gathering; News selection; News bias. The narrative of news productionCase study: BBC Breakfast News and Channel 4 Big Breakfast News, 8 am, Tuesday April 10, 2001 ; 8 The British Film Industry; Film production; Film funding in Britain; Case study: How have specific films been funded?; Film distribution; Exhibition of films; 9 The Hollywood Film Industry; A global industry; Global media powerhouses; The Hollywood Studio System; The future of Hollywood; 10 Advertising; The history of advertising; Advertising in the 20th century; Audience segmentation; Case study: Advertising and ideology: Heinz's A Toast to Life campaign. 11 The Music IndustryThe ownership of copyright; Independence in the music industry; Musical activity and the mediation of musical products; Part Three: TV and Film Genres; 12 Introduction to Genre; What is genre?; The key components of genre; 13 Soap Opera; Background; Key components of the soap opera genre; Who watches soap opera and why?; Realism in British and Australian soap operas; Case study: EastEnders --; 8 pm 23 June 1997; Case study: Neighbours --; 5.40 pm 26 June 1997; 14 Crime Fiction; Background. Case studies: The Blue Lamp, Dixon of Dock Green, Z Cars, The Sweeney, The Bill, Inspector Morse, Between the Lines15 Western; Background; Case studies: Stagecoach (1939), Shane (1953), Ride the High Country (1962), A Fistful of Dollars (1964) The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976), Unforgiven (1992); 16 Gangster; Background; Case studies: The Public Enemy (1931), Scarface (1932), Scarface (1983), Goodfellas (1990), Carlito's Way (1993); 17 Film Noir; Background; Case studies: Farewell My Lovely (1944), Build My Gallows High (1947), Chinatown (1974), The Hot Spot (1990), The Last Seduction (1994).
This fully updated edition of Advanced Level Media builds on the success of the first book whilst taking into account the new specifications for AS/A2 Media Studies for all the examining boards and the Film Studies WJEC specification. Written in a clear and well-structured manner which is specifically aimed at advanced level students, Advanced Level Media 2nd Edition includes fully up-to-date in-depth contemporary case studies, definitions of key terms, a glossary of media terms, examples of students' work, practical exercises and suggestions for further reading.