contributors, R.L. Balster [and others] ; editors, Charles R. Schuster and Michael J. Kuhar.
Berlin ; New York
(xxv, 658 pages)
Handbook of experimental pharmacology, v. 118.
I. Research in the Study of Drug Action and Addiction --; 1 Genetic Vulnerability to Substance Abuse --; 2 Integrative Neurobehavioral Pharmacology: Focus on Cocaine --; II. Molecular, Behavioral, and Human Pharmacology of Dependence and Consequences --; 3 Marihuana --; 4 Cocaine --; 5 Opioid Analgesics --; 6 Phencyclidine: A Drug of Abuse and a Tool for Neuroscience Research --; 7 Benzodiazepine Discontinuation Syndromes: Clinical and Experimental Aspects --; 8 Nicotine --; 9 Caffeine Reinforcement, Discrimination, Tolerance and Physical Dependence in Laboratory Animals and Humans --; 10 Classical Hallucinogens --; 11 Alcohol --; III. Advances in the Pharmacotherapy of Addiction --; 12 Pharmacotherapy of Addiction: Introduction and Principles --; 13 Development of Medications for Addictive Disorders --; 14a Long-Term Pharmacotherapy for Opiate (Primarily Heroin) Addiction: Opioid Agonists --; 14b Long-Term Pharmacotherapy for Opiate (Primarily Heroin) Addiction: Opioid Antagonists and Partial Agonists --; 15 Pharmacotherapy of Nicotine Dependence --; 16 Pharmacotherapies for Cocaine Dependence.
This volume brings together in one place the latest research from the areas of molcular biology, neurochemistry and behavior analysis of drug abuse and dependence. Further, the authors have attempted to integrate, wherever possible, the data from these various levels of analysis. The research reported points to the complexity of the phenomenon of abuse and dependence and clearly demonstrates that it is determined by a variety of variables from molecular biology and genetics through behavioral history. The complexity is shown, however, to be amenable to rigorous scientific analysis and our success to date gives reason to hope that this distressing public health problem can ultimately be brought under control. Each of the chapters is written by a leading researcher in the field.
Drug abuse.
Drugs of abuse.
contributors, R.L. Balster [and others] ; editors, Charles R. Schuster and Michael J. Kuhar.