1. Lean 3P design concepts --; 2. Lean 3P's place in the product development process --; 3. Applying lean 3P design and gaining leverage --; 4. Getting started --; 5. The countdown and overview of the 3P event week --; 6. Kickoff, charter, and 3P goals --; 7. Product planning and process evaluation criteria --; 8. Defining value-adding functions --; 9. Flow diagrams, developing seven alternatives, and selection of the better three alternatives --; 10. Process at a glance, selecting teams, constructing the three prototypes --; 11. Rapid evaluation of the three prototypes, selecting the final prototype --; 12. Developing the final prototype, incorporating evaluation criteria, and measuring effectiveness : final report-out --; 13. 3P project management : potholes and stumbling blocks --; 14. Evergreen lean 3P design : conclusions.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS -- Production & Operations Management.