Banking Quality, Efficiency, Profitability and Customer Satisfaction Analysis --; Business Failure and Credit Risk Assessment --; Banking Organization, Banking Marketing and Customer Relationship Management --; Bank Mergers and Acquisition and Concentration --; Portfolio Management and Risk Assessment --; Risk Logistics in Banking Management.
The variety of new banking products, developed to accomodate the increased customer needs, provides a clear indication of the changes that the banking industry has undergone during the last two decades. Due to this there is a need of advanced quantitative analysis for risk management, information technology, quality management, etc. The implementation of these approaches in banking management is in accordance with the finding that empirical procedures are no longer adequate to address with increasing complexity of the banking industry. All the above issues are included in the edited volume, that covers a wide range of banking problems, such as bank performance, efficiency and viability, credit risk assessment, bank marketing, quality management, bank mergers and acquisitions.