F. Terrier, M. Grossholz, C.D. Becker, eds. ; with contributions by C. Ala Edine [and others] ; with 455 figures in 818 separate illustrations, 51 in color and 29 tables.
47 chapters in the sections: Technique; Liver; Focal Liver Lesions: Role of Spiral CT and Controversies; Pancreas and Biliary Ducts; Biliary and Pancreatic Diseases: Role of Spiral CT and Controversies; Urinary Tract; Renal Tumors: The Role of Spiral CT and Controversies; Gastro-intestinal Tract; Abdominal Aorta and its Branches; Abdominal Vessels: Role of CT Angiography and Controversies; Special Topics. Subject Index List of Contributors
Abdomen -- Tomography.
Spiral computed tomography.
F. Terrier, M. Grossholz, C.D. Becker, eds. ; with contributions by C. Ala Edine [and others] ; with 455 figures in 818 separate illustrations, 51 in color and 29 tables.