Statistical Process Control For Quality Improvement- Hardcover Version
J. Koronacki, J.R. Thompson.
Chapman and Hall/CRC
(456 pages : 144 illustrations)
PREFACESTATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL: A BRIEF OVERVIEWQuality Control: Origins, MisperceptionsA Case Study in Statistical Process ControlIf Humans Behaved Like MachinesPareto's MaximDeming's Fourteen PointsQC Misconceptions, East and WestWhite Balls, Black BallsThe Basic Paradigm of Statistical Process ControlBasic Statistical Procedures in Statistical Process ControlAcceptance SamplingThe Case for Understanding VariationStatistical CodaACCEPTANCE-REJECTION STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROLThe Basic TestBasic Test with Equal Lot SizeTesting with Unequal Lot SizesTesting with Open-Ended Count DataTHE DEVELOPMENT OF MEAN AND STANDARD DEVIATION CONTROL CHARTSA Contaminated Production ProcessEstimation of Parameters of the "Norm" ProcessRobust Estimators for Uncontaminated Process ParametersA Process with Mean DriftA Process with Upward Drift in VarianceCharts for Individual MeasurementsProcess CapabilitySEQUENTIAL APPROACHESThe Sequential Likelihood Ratio TestCUSUM Test for Shift of the MeanShewhart CUSUM ChartPerformance of CUSUM Tests on Data with Mean DriftSequential Tests for Persistent Shift of the MeanCUSUM Performance on Data with Upward Variance DriftAcceptance-Rejection CUSUMSEXPLORATORY TECHNIQUES FOR PRELIMINARY ANALYSISThe Schematic PlotSmoothing by ThreesBootstrappingPareto and Ishikawa DiagramsA Bayesian Pareto Analysis for System Optimization of the Space StationThe Management and Planning ToolsOPTIMIZATION APPROACHESA Simplex Algorithm for OptimizationSelection of Objective FunctionMotivation for Linear ModelsMultivariate ExtensionsLeast SquaresModel "Enrichment"Testing for Model "Enrichment"2p Factorial DesignsSome Rotatable Quadratic DesignsSaturated DesignsA Simulation Based ApproachMULTIVARIATE APPROACHESLikelihood Ratio Tests for LocationCompound and Projection TestsA Robust Estimate of "In Control" LocationA Rank Test for Location SlippageA Rank Test for Change in Scale and/or LocationAPPENDICESA Brief Introduction to Linear AlgebraA Brief Introduction to StochasticsStatistical TablesNote: All chapters also include an introduction, references, and problems.