< P> Editors' Introduction. 1. The Effect of Social Security on Saving < i> Martin S. Feldstein< /i> 2. Philosophy and Objectives of Econometrics < i> Arnold Zellner< /i> 3. Aggregate Consumer Behaviour and Individual Welfare < i> Dale W. Jorgenson< /i> , < i> Lawrence J. Lau< /i> and < i> Thomas Stoker< /i> 4. A Review of Recent Work on Testing for Atuo-Correlation in Dynamic Simultaneous Models < i> T. S Breusch< /i> and < i> L. Godfrey< /i> Discussion: < i> Denise R. Osborn< /i> 5. Estimating Continuous Consumer Equivalence Scales in an Expenditure Model with Labour Supply < i> R. W. Blundell< /i> Discussion: < i> A. Ingham< /i> 6. Consistent estimation of a Large Generalised Strongly Separable Demand System < i> P. Simmons< /i> Discussion: < i> J. E. Spencer< /i> 7. On the Structure of the Theory of Monetary Policy < i> Victoria Chick< /i> 8. Problems and Resolutions of Problems Concerning The Short Run Demand for Money < i> George A. Akerlof< /i> 9. The Role of Economic Policy After the New Classical Macroeconomics < i> Willem H. Buiter< /i> Discussion: < i> Sean Holly< /i> 10. Investment Grants < i> Michael T. Sumner< /i> 11. The Roots of British Sickness < i> Samuel Brittan< /i> 12. Public Sector Behaviour: The Status of the Political Business Cycle < i> James E. Alt< /i> and < i> K. Alec Chrystal< /i> Discussion: < i> Kerry Schott < /i> 13. Portfolio Selection in Practice < i> W. B. Reddaway< /i> 14. Verdoorn's Law --; the Externalities Hypothesis and Economic Grwoth in the UK < i> M. Chatterji< /i> and < i> M. Wickens< /i> Discussion: < i> N. Kaldor< /i> 15. The Wage Equation and Rational Expectations Patrick Minford and < i> Michael Brech< /i> 16. A Multivariate Approach to Data Analysis < i> John Matatko< /i> and < i> David G. Mayes< p> < /i>
Bringing together the proceedings of the 1979 and 1980 annual conferences of the Association of University Teachers of Economics the papers in this volume discuss: the effect of social security on private saving; an analysis of aggregate consumer behaviour; the philosophy and objectives of econometrics and other topics in macroeconomic and econometric analysis.
Econometrics -- Congresses.
Macroeconomics -- Congresses.
edited by David Currie, R. Nobay, David Peel.
A R Nobay
Association of University Teachers of Economics. Conference