Rev. papers from a conference held in Basel on May 16-17, 1991.
Introduction --; pt. 1. Competitiveness in banking --; pt. 2. The Swiss banking sector --; pt. 3. Determinants of trade in banking services --; pt. 4. International bank deposits --; pt. 5. International financial centres --; pt. 6. Monopoly power.
This study is devoted to competitiveness in banking. Con- ceptual, measurement, and interpretational issues are dis- cussed innovatively and indetail by a number of leading international experts in the field. Theoretical contributions from the area of international trade in services and from industrial economics are paired with econometric work on international cross-section and time-series data. Papers especially focus on banking in Switzerland. This should not reduce the interest of the publication to an international readership since Switzerland is one of the leading financial centres in the world. In addition, Swiss banking iscompared with banking in the most important other countries in a systematic way. Important results are of a comparative nature and, therefore, of international relevance. The main benefit to the reader will be his increased awareness of the complexity of the issue of competitiveness, combined with some thought provoking empirical results.