xxiv, 833, 18, 3, 23, 33 p. : ill., ritr. ; 27 cm.
Contiene un indice.
Part A Introduction 1 Economics and Economies Part B Foundations of Microeconomics 2 Supply and Demand 3 Markets in Action Part C Microeconomic Theory 4 Background to Demand 5 Background to Supply 6 Profit Maximising under Perfect Competition and Monopoly 7 Profit Maximising under Imperfect Competition 8 Alternative Theories of the Firm 9 The Theory of Distribution of Income Part D Microeconomic Policy 10 Inequality, Poverty and Policies to Redistribute Income 11 Markets, Efficiency and the Public Interest 12 Environmental Policy 13 Government Policy towards Business Part E Foundations of Macroeconomics 14 The National Economy 15 Macroeconomic Issues and Analysis: An Overview Part F Macroeconomics 17 Short-run Macroeconomic Equilibrium 18 Banking, Money and Interest Rates 19 The Relationship between the Money and Goods Markets 20 Aggregate Supply, Unemployment and Inflation 21 Fiscal and Monetary Policy 22 Long-term Economic Growth 23 Supply-side Policies Part G The World Economy 25 The Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates26 Global and Regional Interdependence27 Economics of Developing Countries Postscript: The Castaways or Vote for Caliban Appendix 1: Some Techniques of Economic Analysis Appendix 2: Websites Threshold Concepts and Key Ideas Glossary Index