Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, 233.
1 Introduction --; I: Structure of the World Copper Market --; 2 Production --; 3 Consumption --; 4 Trade and Prices --; 5 Reserves and Resources --; II: Econometric Model of the World Copper Market --; 6 Copper Market Models --; 7 Mine Production and Capacities --; 8 Demand --; 9 Other Equations --; 10 Historical Dynamic Solution and Sensitivity Analysis --; Appendices and Bibliography --; Appendix I General Remarks on Methodology and Data --; Appendix II List of Variables --; Appendix III Estimated Equations.
1.1 The Importance of Copper Copper, the red metal, has been known in histor~ for thousands of ~ears. It ma~ have been mankind's first metal (Joralemon= 1973). And still, probabl~ more than one hundred decades after native copper was used for the first time (Muhl~ (1973: 171», toda~, copper is a ver~ important commodit~: 1. Onl~ aluminum (first in 1963) surpasses refined copper in terms of the total 1 world's mine production and consumption. It outpaces zinc, lead, nickel and tin • 2. Refined copper is one of the most important export products of the developing countries. In 1975, refined copper ranked 8th in the developing countries' export values in general, it was 6th among their non-fuel exports, and their most important export 2 commodit~ among the non-ferrous metals • 3. Man~ small and medium sized industrialized countries depend heavil~ on copper imports. For example, West German~'s share in world mine production has alwa~s been smaller than 0.1 per cent. In the last few decades, however, the Federal Republic's consumption share has amounted to some 8 i. in 1982. 4. Copper is of utmost importance for the export earnings of several countries.