Lecture notes in computer science., Lecture notes in artificial intelligence (En ligne) ;, 7888.; LNCS sublibrary., SL 7,, Artificial intelligence (En ligne)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 9 juillet 2013).International conference proceedings.
Silhouette-based Gait Recognition via Deterministic Learning.- The global-local mental rotation in divided attention paradigm.- Research on Electromagnetic Coupling Artificial Neural Network with Spatial Topology.- EEG Signal Classification using the Event-related Coherence and Genetic Algorithm.- Effects of Emotional Content on Working Memory: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence.- Ontology-based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm.- Conceptual Clustering of Documents for Automatic Ontology Generation.- A Novel Clinical Expert System for Chest Pain Risk Assessment.- Fault Detection Filter Design for Certain Networked Control System.- Establishment of Tourism Geographic Information System to Promote Field Work in Tourism Management Major.