FASE 2013, held as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2013, Rome, Italy, March 16-24, 2013 ; Vittorio Cortellessa [und weitere] (eds.).
376 Seiten : Illustrationen.
Lecture notes in computer science, 7793 : Advanced research in computing and software science
Towards a Distributed Modeling Process Based on Composite Models.- Change Propagation due to Uncertainty Change.- A Model-Based Synthesis Process for Choreography Realizability Enforcement.- On Extracting Feature Models from Sets of Valid Feature Combinations.- On the Empirical Evaluation of Fault Localization Techniques for Spreadsheets.- Quality of Merge-Refactorings for Product Lines.- Towards Understanding the Behavior of Classes Using Probabilistic Models of Program Inputs.- Discovering Branching Conditions from Business Process ExecutionLogs.- Exposing Behavioral Differences in Cross-Language API MappingRelations.- Explicit-State Software Model Checking Based on CEGAR andInterpolation.- Design Pattern-Based Extension of Class Hierarchies to Support Runtime Invariant Checks.- Augmenting Sequence Enumeration with String-Rewriting for Requirements Analysis and Behavioral Specification.- Scenario Realizability with Constraint Optimization.- Andromeda: Accurate and Scalable Security Analysis of Web Applications.- VerChor: A Framework for Verifying Choreographies.- Javanni: A Verifier for JavaScript.- Model-Based Implementation of Parallel Real-Time Systems.- A Grey-Box Approach for Automated GUI-Model Generation of MobileApplications.- A Mechanized Model for CAN Protocols.- Enforcing QVT-R with mu-Calculus and Games.- Implementing QVT-R Bidirectional Model Transformations Using Alloy.- Abstraction and Training of Stochastic Graph Transformation Systems.- Discovering Math APIs by Mining Unit Tests.- POGen: A Test Code Generator Based on Template Variable Coveragein Gray-Box Integration Testing for Web Applications.- Testing with Inputs and Outputs in CSP.
Software Engineering
Software engineering -- Congresses.
Software engineering.
FASE 2013, held as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2013, Rome, Italy, March 16-24, 2013 ; Vittorio Cortellessa [und weitere] (eds.).