1. A bio-inspired architecture for autonomic network-on-chip / M. Bakhouya --; 2. Bio-inspired NoC architecture optimization / A.A. Morgan [and others] --; 3. An autonomic NoC architecture using heuristic technique for virtual-channel sharing / K. Latif [and others] --; 4. Evolutionary design of collective communications on wormhole NoCs / J. Jaros and V. Dvorak --; 5. Formal aspects of parallel processing on bio-inspired on-chip networks / P.C. Vinh --; 6. HAMSoC : a monitoring-centric design approach for adaptive parallel computing / L. Guang [and others] --; 7. Toward self-placing applications on 2D and 3D NoCs / L. Petre [and others] --; 8. Self-adaption in SoCs / H. Zakaria, E. Yahya, and L. Fesquet.
Autonomic Networking-on-Chip: Bio-Inspired Specification, Development, and Verification.