theory and practice : selected papers from 2012 International Conference on Software Engineering, Knowledge Engineering and Information Engineering
Wei Zhang (Ed.).
Springer, [
(xvii, 892 pages) : illustrations.
Advances in intelligent systems and computing, 162.
Title; Preface; Organizing Committee; Contents; The Theory Research of Tunnels Seismic Damage; Preface; The Characteristics of the Tunnel Damage; Failure Theory of Tunnel Disaster; Conclusion; References; Exploration of Training Mode of Urban Rail Professional in University; Preface; Present Situation of Domestic Urban Rail Transit; Explorationof Training Mode Improvement; References; Research of Dynamic Adjustment Algorithm of Matching Rule Database of Network Intrusion Detection; Introduction; Static Adjustments Algorithm of Ordering Matching Rule; Dynamic Adjust; Experimental Results. Experimental ResultsConclusion; References; Research and Improvement of Pattern Matching Algorithm of Intrusion Detection; Introduction; Single Mode Matching Algorithms; Multimode Matching Algorithms; Experimental Results; Conclusions; References; Applied Research on Cold Recycling Technology of Asphalt Pavement; Introduction; Test Study on Material Properties of Asphalt Pavement; Construction Technology of Cold Recycling Technology; Benefit Analysis; Conclusions; References; The Application of Vector Space Model in the Information Retrieval System; Introduction; Vector Space Model. The Design of the Information Retrieval SystemConclusions; References; Study on the Application of Serial Communication Programming Technology in Embedded System; Introduction; Linux System Development Environment Set Up; QT Serial Program Design; Conclusion; References; A Study of Optimized Algorithm for Distributed Database Half-Join Query; Introduction; Semi Join Query Optimization Algorithm; Conclusion; References; China-ASEAN and Guangxi Multiple-Regions Cooperative Low-Carbon Logistics Internet of Things Service System Hidden Markov Optimization Model*; Introduction. Multiple-Regions Cooperative Low-Carbon Logistics and IOTHidden Markov Optimization Model Building; Analysis Demonstration; Conclusion; Thanks to; References; The Design of Optical Fiber Displacement Sensor System; Introduction; A System Works and Its Composition; Improvement of System Performance Indicators; Experiment and Results; Conclusion; References; The Improvement for the Lightning Feedback Current Model and the Application for the Engineer Model; Introduction; The Simulation and the Improvement for the Model of Lightning Feedback Tunnel Bottom Current. The Simulation and Modification for Lightning Feedback Engineer ModelConclusion; References; The Signal Processing of Quartz Resonator Based on Single Chip; Introduction; Single-Base Three-Electrode Quartz Resonator; Frequency Measurement Used by SCM; Hardware Structure; Software Design and Discussion; Conclusion; References; Force-Frequency Sensitive Character of Quartz Resonator with Same Base and Different Electrode; Introduction; The Oscillate Character and Force-Sensitive Character of Quartz Resonator; Finite Element Analysis and Force-Sensitive Character of Quartz Resonator.