Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2004.
Review. Protoctists and Microalgae: Antagonistis and Mutualistic Associations and the Symbiogenesis of Plastids.- Genetics. Implications of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms for Plant Breeding. Function of Genetic Material: Contribution of Molecular Markers in Improving Crop Plants. Extranuclear Inheritance: Chloroplast Proteomics. Genetics Molecular Cell Biology: Organization and Molecular Evolution of rDNA, Nucleolar Dominance, and Nucleolus Structure. Fungal Morphogenesis and Plant Infection. Production of Proteins for Biopharmaceutical and Industrial Uses in Transgenic Plants. The ABCs of Flower Development in Arabidopsis and Rice.- Physiology. Molecular Responses of Halophytes to High Salinity. Frequency or Ultradian Rhythms in Plants. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applications ot Low-Molecular Metabolites in Plant Sciences. The Old Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in the Light of the Molecular Era. The Role of Nitrate Reduction in Plant Flooding Survival. Phloem-Mediated Remote Control by Long-Distance Signals.- Systematics. Systematics of Himalayan Seed Plants.- Ecology. Hydraulic Redistribution. New Insights in the Genus Phytophthora and Current Diseases These Pathogens Cause in Their Ecosystem. Carbon and Water Fluxes in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems: Contraints and Adaptations. Plants and Geothermal CO2 Exhalations: Survival in and Adaptation to a High CO2 Environment. Recent Advances in Understanding Plant Invasions. History of Flora and Vegetation During the Quaternary.-