V. 1, section 1. Genetic disorders / Bruce R. Korf ; section 2. Neonatology / Martin Keszler ; section 3. Inborn errors of metabolism / Pinar T. Ozand ; section 4. Developmental, learning and behavioral disorders / Pamela High and Yvette Yatchmink --; v. 2, section 5. Pediatric nutrition / Hisham M. Nazer ; section 6. Infectious diseases / Richard J. Whitley ; section 7. Primary immunodeficiency disorders / Harb A. Harfi ; section 8. Allergic disorders / Harb A. Harfi --; v. 3, section 9. Disorders of the skin / Zbigniew Ruszczak ; section 10. Rheumatology / Alberto Martini ; section 11. Oral and craniofacial disorders / J. Burton Douglass ; section 12. Gastrointestinal and liver disorders / Hisham M. Nazer --; v. 4, section 13. Respiratory disorders / Gabriel G. Haddad ; section 14. Cardiology / Mark B. Lewin ; section 15. Critical care / Abdul-Rahman M. Abu-Taleb and Peter N. Cox ; section 16. Pediatric burns / Fuad Hashem ; section 17. Pediatric poisoning / Khaled M. Al-Haidari and Nada S. Al-Qadheeb ; section 18. Disturbances in acid-base and electrolytes disorders / F. Bruder Stapleton ; section 19. Kidney and urinary tract disorders / F. Bruder Stapleton --; v. 5, section 19. Kidney and urinary tract disorders / F. Bruder Stapleton ; section 20. Blood diseases / Michael Recht ; section 21. Pediatric oncology / H. Stacy Nicholson ; section 22. Neurology / Generoso G. Gascon --; v. 6, section 22. Neurology / Generoso G. Gascon ; section 23. Endocrine disorders / Khalid Hussain ; section 24. Adolescent medicine / Leslie R. Walker ; section 25. Pediatric orthopedics / Craig P. Eberson ; section 26. Pediatric otolaryngology / Mohamed O. Abuzeid ; section 27. Pediatric ophthalmology / Selwa A.F. Al-Hazzaa ; section 28. Pediatric surgery / Thomas F. Tracy ; section 29. Drug dosing in pediatrics / Kristine A. Parbuoni.
This work encompasses pediatric subspecialties, covering every pediatric disease and organ system. Its strong clinical focus with a problem based approach will help practicing pediatricians, residents, medical students as well as family practitioners to manage sick children in a practical way, based on scientific evidence.