edited by K.L. Hoffman, R.H.F. Jackson, J. Telgen.
Mathematical programming study, 31.
An implicit enumeration procedure for the general linear complementarity problem --; Recursive quadratic programming methods based on the augmented lagrangian --; A primal truncated newton algorithm with application to large-scale nonlinear network optimization --; Approximating some convex programs in terms of borel fields --; Computer-assisted analysis for diagnosing infeasible or unbounded linear programs --; Restricted simplicial decomposition: Computation and extensions --; Recent advances in the decomposition approach to linear programming --; A note on solution of nonlinear programming problems with imprecise function and gradient values --; A new algorithm for highly curved constrained optimisation --; An implementation of an algorithm for univariate minimization and an application to nested optimization --; On practical stopping rules for the simplex method --; An experimental approach to karmarkar?s projective method for linear programming.
Civil & Environmental Engineering.
Programming (Mathematics)
Programming (Mathematics) -- Congresses.
edited by K.L. Hoffman, R.H.F. Jackson, J. Telgen.