13th Annual International Cryptology Conference Santa Barbara, California, USA August 22-26, 1993 Proceedings.
Gerhard Goos
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(501 pages)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Advances in Cryptology --; CRYPT0 '93; Copyright; PREFACE; CONTENTS; Efficient Signature Schemes Based on Birational Permutations; A new identification scheme based on syndrome decoding*.; The Shrinking Generator; An Integrity Check Value Algorithm for Stream Ciphers; Nonlinearly Balanced Boolean Functions and Their Propagation Characteristics; A Low Communication Competitive Interactive Proof System for Promised Quadratic Residuosity★; Secret Sharing and Perfect Zero Knowledge★; One Message Proof Systems with Known Space Verifiers Interactive Hashing can Simplify Zero-Knowledge Protocol Design Without Computational AssumptionsFully Dynamic Secret Sharing Schemes ★; Multisecret Threshold Schemes; Secret Sharing Made Short; A Subexponential Algorithm for Discrete Logarithms over All Finite Fields; An implementation of the general number field sieve; On the factorization of RSA-120; Comparison of three modular reduction functions; Differential Cryptanalysis of Lucifer; Differential Attack on Message Authentication Codes; Cryptanalysis of the CFB mode of the DES with a reduced number of rounds; Weak Keys for IDEA Entity Authentication and Key DistributionOn the Existence of Statistically Hiding Bit Commitment Schemes and Fail-Stop Signatures; Joint Encryption and Message-Efficient Secure Computation; Cryptographic Primitives Based on Hard Learning Problems; Extensions of Single-term Coins; Untraceable Off-line Cash in Wallet with Observers; Discreet Solitary Games; On Families of Hash Functions via Geometric Codes and Concatenation; On the Construction of Perfect Authentication Codes that Permit Arbitration; Codes for Interactive Authentication Hash functions based on block ciphers: a synthetic approachSecurity of Iterated Hash Functions Based on Block Ciphers; Improved Algorithms for the Permuted Kernel Problem; On the Distribution of Characteristics in Composite Permutations; Remark on the Threshold RSA Signature Scheme; Another Method for Attaining Security Against Adoptively Chosen Ciphertext Attacks; Attacks on the Birational Permutation Signature Schemes; Interaction in Key Distribution Schemes★; Secret-Key Agreement without Public-Key Cryptography; Broadcast Encryption; Index