Conference on the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques : Papers.
Carl Pomerance
Berlin ; New York
Lecture notes in computer science, 293
Conference information: 1987 Aug : Santa Barbara, CA.Also known as Crypto 87.
Communication Networks and Standards --; Protocols --; Key Distribution Systems --; Public Key Systems --; Design and Analysis of Cryptographic Systems --; Applications --; Informal Contributions --; Author Index.
This book is the proceedings of CRYPTO '87, one in a series of annual conferences devoted to cryptologic research. CRYPTO '87 was attended by 170 people representing 19 countries. The papers in this volume are presented in seven sections. The first six sections comprise all of the papers on the regular program, including two papers that were not presented at the meeting. The seventh section contains some of the papers presented at a "Rump Session". The main sections deal with the following topics: communication networks and standards; protocols; key distribution systems; public key systems; design and analysis of cryptographic systems; and applications.
Cryptography -- Congresses.
Carl Pomerance
Carl Pomerance
IEEE Computer Society. Technical Committee on Security and Privacy.
International Association for Cryptologic Research.
University of California, Santa Barbara. Computer Science Department.