Proceedings of a Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 17-19, 1985
by Harald Ganzinger, Neil D. Jones.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
: v.: digital
Lecture notes in computer science, 217.
Strictness analysis and polymorphic invariance --; Convergent term rewriting systems can be used for program transformation --; The theory of strictness analysis for higher order functions --; Recognition of generative languages --; Modular first-order specifications of operational semantics --; Logic specification of code generation techniques --; Strictness detection in non-flat domains --; Strictness computation using special?-expressions --; A relational framework for abstract interpretation --; Expected forms of data flow analyses --; Code generation from two-level denotational meta-languages --; Multilevel functions in Martin-Löf's type theory --; An implementation from a direct semantics definition --; The structure of a self-applicable partial evaluator --; Program transformation by supercompilation --; Listlessness is better than laziness II: Composing listless functions --; From interpreter to compiler: A representational derivation.