international symposium, Sophia-Antipolis, France, June 27-29, 1984 : proceedings
edited by G. Kahn, D.B. MacQueen, and G. Plotkin.
Berlin ; New York
(vi, 391 pages) : illustrations
Lecture notes in computer science, 173.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Semantics of Data Types."The symposium was sponsored by IFIP and EATCS"--Foreword.
A kernel language for abstract data types and modules.- A semantics of multiple inheritance.- Understanding Russell a first attempt.- A basic Abstract Semantic Algebra.- Using information systems to solve reoursive domain equations effectively.- The semantics of second order polymorphic lambda calculus.- Polymorphism is not set-theoretic.- A theory of data type representation independence.- Abstract data types and their extensions within a constructive logic.- Deriving structural induction in LCF.- Executable specification of static semantics.- Cartesian closed categories of enumerations for effective type structures.- Type inference and type containment.- F-semantics for intersection type discipline.- The typechecking of programs with implicit type structure.- Partial implementations of abstract data types: A dissenting view on errors.- Building specifications in an arbitrary institution.- A proof system for verifying composability of abstract implementations.- Towards a proof theory of parameterized specifications.
Data structures (Computer science) -- Congresses.
Langages de programmation -- Sémantique -- Congrès.
Programming languages (Electronic computers) -- Semantics -- Congresses.
edited by G. Kahn, D.B. MacQueen, and G. Plotkin.
D B MacQueen
European Association for Theoretical Computer Science.
G Kahn
G Plotkin
International Federation for Information Processing.