Progress in molecular and subcellular biology, v. 41.
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 19 mars 2007).
Syntrophic associations in methanogenic degradation / B. Schink --; Symbiosis between non-related bacteria in phototropic consortia / J. Overmann --; Prokaryotic symbionts of termite gut flagellates : phylogenetic and metabolic implications of a tripartite symbiosis / A. Brune, U. Stingl --; Towards an understanding of the killer trait : Caedibacter endocytobionts in Paramecium / J. Kusch, H.-D. Görtz --; Bacterial ectosymbionts which confer motility : Mixotricha paradoxa from the intestine of the Australian termite Mastotermes darwiniensis / Helmut König ... [et al.] --; Extrusive bacterial ectosymbionts of ciliates / G. Rosati --; Hydrogenosomes and symbiosis / J.H.P. Hackstein, N. Yarlett --; Molecular interactions between Rhizobium and legumes / P. Skorpil, W.J. Broughton --; Molecular mechanisms in the nitrogen-fixing Nostoc-bryophyte symbiosis / J.C. Meeks --; Symbiosis of thioautotrophic bacteria with Riftia pachyptila / F.J. Stewart, C.M. Cavanaugh --; Symbioses of methanotrophs and deep-sea mussels (Mytilidae: Bathymodiolinae) / E.G. DeChaine, C.M. Cavanaugh --; Symbioses between bacteria and gutless marine oligocahetes / N. Dubilier, A. Blazejak, C. Rühland --; Roles of bacterial regulators in the symbiosis between Vibrio fischeri and Euprymna scalopes / K. Geszvain, K. Visick --; Molecular requirements for the colonization of Hirudo medicinalis by Aeromonas veronii / J. Graf.